by Carol@Allsorted | Feb 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
When the task of filing and dealing with the paperwork comes up, many of us slump our shoulders, as if we have regressed to being 12 and asked to tidy our rooms. But it can be a great opportunity to have a fresh look at your systems and processes and a chance to...
by Carol@Allsorted | Feb 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
Procrastination strikes again, and you have seriously lost your mo-jo. As a small business owner, wasted time is wasted money, and the tasks you are putting off don’t just disappear. How can you jump start your productivity again? 1. Mindset. You don’t...
by Carol@Allsorted | Feb 23, 2017 | Uncategorized
To get the most out of any stretch of time, you need to have a plan. We all have 24 hours or 1560 minutes each day to fill. Unless we prioritise the important things, then the little things expand to fill up all our time. Many people use to do lists to help them make...